The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) National Wetlands Inventory program (NWI) is seeking feedback from existing or potential data users regarding the NWI Geospatial Dataset.  The purpose of this survey is to increase programmatic understanding of user perspectives, preferences, and experiences. This information will inform delivery of future products, services, and communication materials.

The survey should take the average user less than 10 minutes to complete.   

Take me to the survey now!

 The NWI Geospatial Dataset represents the location and type of wetlands on the landscape using the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Wetlands Classification Standard (FGDC 2013).  The questions in this survey request user feedback regarding experiences with NWI data, but also include questions regarding the interaction between NWI data and USGS hydrography datasets such as the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) and the 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP).  For reference, the NHD and 3DHP represents stream/river features as polygons only if they average greater than 50 feet wide, whereas the NWI program represents stream/river features as polygons if they average greater than 15 feet wide. 

The NWI program would greatly appreciate your assistance in maximizing participation in this survey.  Please forward this email to any colleagues, partners or others you feel would be interested in providing feedback.  For questions about this survey or the National Wetlands Inventory program in general, please email us at