Continuous Monitoring
Continuous Monitoring in Florida: Organizations, projects, models in use, analytes collected, standard operating procedures, and other useful knowledge
This spreadsheet is a joint effort of the Continuous Monitoring Workgroup, Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Division of Environmental Assessment and Restoration (DEAR) and Florida Water Resources Monitoring Council (Council). It was developed, compiled, and populated in late 2016-early 2017 to assist monitoring entities that need information on continuous monitoring use in Florida. Caveat: the FDEP and the Council acknowledge that this information is not complete for all monitoring entities in Florida.
The Florida Lake Management Society is not responsible for the content of the spreadsheet. For more information or questions concerning the spreadsheet, please contact:
Carolyn Voyles, Environmental Specialist III
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Watershed Monitoring
2600 Blair Stone Rd.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400
Phone: 850.245.8321
View the continuous monitoring spreadsheet in Excel here.