News from the NW Chapter

Apalachicola River and Bay System Workshop Summary
Hosted by
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, School of the Environment
& the
Florida Lake Management Society
May 8, 2015
Fredrick S. Humphries Science Research Center
1515 Martin Luther King Blvd., Room 214
This symposium is designed to share information between scientists, students, and resource managers to enhance the understanding and protection of the Apalachicola system.
Thank you to our lunch sponsor: Frydenborg EcoLogic, L.L.C!

11:00 AM Welcome and introductions
Victor Ibeanusi, Dean, FAMU School of the Environment
Lawrence Keenan, President, Florida Lake Management Society
11:10 AM Overview of the NOAA/FAMU Environmental Cooperative Research Center and Its ANERR Specific Research Activities
Jennifer Cherrier and Chuck Jagoe, FAMU
11:40 AM Effect of Climate Change on North Florida Estuaries
Skip Livingston, FSU
12:10 PM Lunch Break – Sponsored by Frydenborg EcoLogic, LLC
12:50 PM Reservoir Storage and Downstream Water Delivery
Steve Leitman, US Fish and Wildlife
1:20 PM Oyster Microbiome, and Potential for Microbial Degradation of Oil in Apalachicola Bay
Ashvini Chauhan and Chuck Jagoe, FAMU
1:50 PM Numeric Nutrient Criteria for Lake Seminole, Apalachicola River, and Bay
Russ Frydenborg, Frydenborg EcoLogic
2:20 PM Break
2:30 PM Cattail Encroachment and Nutrient Enrichment in the Apalachicola Flood Plain
Larry Robinson, FAMU
3:00 PM A Hybrid Green Infrastructure Approach for Runoff and Septic Seepage Mitigation
Jennifer Cherrier, FAMU
3:30 PM Apalachicola Legal Issues Headed for the Supreme Court
Mo Jazil, Hopping, Green and Sams Attorneys
3:50 PM FLMS News and Wrap up
Maryann Krisovitch, Florida Lake Management Society

Mo Jazil Russ Frydenborg

Skip Livingston
The Northwest Chapter of the Florida Lake Management Society was designed to be a forum in which citizens and professionals can meet to identify, educate, and correct the problems concerning our lakes.
If the Northwest Florida Lake Management Society can assist you with your lake please feel free to contact Chapter President Sean McGlynn by clicking here to message
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