
A Brief History of the
Florida Lake Management Society
The Florida Lake Management Society (FLMS) had its beginnings during the 1987 North American Lake Management Society (NALMS) Annual Conference which was held in Orlando, Florida. A combination of fresh water specialists met during the NALMS conference and agreed to form a Charter Committee to create the FLMS. Five goals were established by the Charter Committee. These goals were: to produce a charter and bylaws, to become a Chapter of NALMS, to find funding sources, to produce a FLMS newsletter, and to plan the first Florida Lake Management Society Annual Conference. All of the goals established by the Charter Committee were achieved within the first year after organization. During the first year the Society established an election process and elected a Board of Directors. The Board consisted of five officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasury and Past President) and four directors. During the first year, our Society conducted several regional lake management symposia, published several issues of our newsletter, participated in several aquatic resource campaigns and held our first Florida Lake Management Society Conference in Winter Park, Florida. A list of our past conference venues can be found below the leadership table. The Society also established several awards to reward renowned Limnologists, activists and persons working in government. During the early 1990’s, the Society continued to mature. FLMS received a grant from the FDER and EPA, which enabled the Society to sponsor eight regional lake management symposia throughout Florida. During this period membership grew to more than 300 persons and annual conferences were being attended by local lay persons as well as professionals from around the state. As membership grew, the Society established an Executive Director position and acquired one part-time staff to assist in publishing our quarterly newsletter. By the mid 1990’s the Society began to focus on self-improvement. The Society established a Mission Statement and initiated an annual Strategic Planning Workshop. Strategic Planning helped structure the organization, improved organizational efficiency and established annual goals. It was during this period that three standing committees (Finance, Operation and Program) were created, an agenda process initiated, and the Board united in achieving its annually established Goals. During the mid 1990’s the Society began to expand its programs. The Society published a non-technical lakes information booklet, approved the means of establishing regional chapters throughout the state, joined associations located in south and in north Florida (Environmental Coalition of South West Florida and Big Bend Environmental Forum), and expanded our awards program to reward lake minded persons working in the media and elected officials. During all these years, the goal of every member has been to create and sustain an effective statewide lake management organization. The Society and all members are committed to lake conservation, education, and advocacy. The table below lists those individuals who have helped lead FLMS and helped it grow. Unfortunately early records of the society are spread out and were not compiled. If you can help fill in this table or correct any errors, please contact us through the contact form here. |
History of Florida Lake Management Society’s Leadership
Year | President | Vice-President | Treasurer | Secretary | Board of Directors |
1987 | |||||
1988 | |||||
1989 | |||||
1990 | Richard Coleman | Vince Williams | Kay Yeuell | Robert Mattson | Martin Kelly Timothy Keyser Danon Moxley Carla Palmer Paul Parks David Pearce |
1991 | Vince Williams | David Pearce | Kay Yeuell | Robert Mattson | Mark Lilipop Danon Moxley Carla Palmer Janet Roth Lawson Snyder |
1992 | David Pearce | ||||
1993 | Carla Palmer | Marty Armstrong | Patricia Smith | Lawson Snyder | Dean Barber Dan Canfield Carey Cordell Judy Ludlow Curtis Watkins Herb Zebuth |
1994 | Carla Palmer | Marty Armstrong | Patricia Smith | Lawson Snyder | Rick Baird Tom Cuba Ernesto Lasso de la Vega Pam Leasure Don Moores Nancy Page Curtis Watkins |
1995 | Marty Armstrong | Carey Cordell | Dean Barber | Patricia Smith | Rick Baird Larry Battoe Ernesto Lasso de la Vega Gene Medley Nancy Page Garth Redfield Curtis Watkins |
1996 | Carey Cordell | Curtis Watkins | Gene Medley | Julie Brantly (McCrystal) | Rick Baird Larry Battoe Ernesto Lasso de la Vega Pam Leasure Kevin McCann Nancy Page Garth Redfield Doug Robison |
1997 | Curtis Watkins | Gene Medley | Nancy Page | Julie McCrystal | Rick Baird Larry Battoe Tim Egan Ernesto Lasso de la Vega Pam Leasure Kevin McCann Tyler Macmillan Garth Redfield Doug Robison |
1998 | Gene Medley | Larry Battoe | Nancy Page | Pam Leasure | Rick Baird Roger Copp Mike Coveney Harvey Harper Kevin McCann Garth Redfield Doug Robison Michael Scheinkman |
1999 | Larry Battoe | Harvey Harper | Lucee Price | Pam Leasure | Roger Copp Mike Coveney Ernesto Lasso de la Vega Robert Mattson Kevin McCann Garth Redfield Doug Robison Michael Scheinkman Peggy Wilzbach |
2000 | Kevin McCann | Pam Leasure | Lucee Price | Rick Baird | Mike Britt Chuck Hanlon Harvey Harper Ernesto Lasso de la Vega Erich Marzolf Mike Scheinkman Cheryl Schwartz Peggy Wilzbach |
2001 | Pam Leasure | Mike Coveney | Julie McCrystal | Rick Baird | Carlos Fernandes Jim Griffin Chuck Hanlon Patricia Hardy Harvey Harper Erich Marzolf Sean McGlynn Lucee Price Shailesh Patel Jeff Reine |
2002 | Mike Coveney | Rick Baird | Julie McCrystal | Erich Marzolf | Carlos Fernandes Jim Griffin Chuck Hanlon Patricia Hardy Harvey Harper Don Hicks Sean McGlynn Shailesh Patel Michael Perry Lucee Price |
2003 | Rick Baird | Shailesh Patel | Julie McCrystal | Erich Marzolf | Sergio Duarte Carlos Fernandes Clell Ford Jim Griffin Chuck Hanlon Patricia Hardy Harvey Harper Don Hicks Sean McGlynn Shailesh Patel Michael Perry Lucee Price Dharmen Setaram |
2004 | Shailesh Patel | Chuck Hanlon | Mike Perry | Monica Stevens-Diaz | John Burns Shannon Carter-Wetzel Clell Ford Jim Griffin Harvey Harper Don Hicks Joe King Erich Marzolf Sean McGlynn Todd Olson Dharmen Setaram |
2005 | Chuck Hanlon | Jim Griffin | Mike Perry | Monica Stevens-Diaz | John Burns Mike Coveney Shannon Carter-Wetzel Clell Ford David Evans John Keifer Kelli Levy Joe King Erich Marzolf Sean McGlynn Todd Olson |
2006 | Jim Griffin | John Burns | Mike Perry | Michelle Jeansonne | Mike Coveney Shannon Carter-Wetzel Clell Ford David Evans Kelli Levy Erich Marzolf Martin Montavo Sean McGlynn Todd Olson Ann Shortelle Steve Weinsier |
2007 | John Burns | Clell Ford | Mike Perry | Michelle Jeansonne | Mike Coveney Jim Griffin Chuck Hanlon Kelli Levy Erich Marzolf Sean McGlynn Martin Montavo Todd Olson Ann Shortelle Steve Weinsier Shannon Carter-Wetzel |
2008 | Clell Ford | Shailesh Patel | Mike Perry | Shannon Carter- Wetzel | Mike Coveney Chuck Hanlon Kelli Levy Dean Dobberfuhl Sean McGlynn Todd Olson Dharmen Setaram Ann Shortelle Julie Terrell Steve Weinsier |
2009 | Kelli Levy | Shannon Carter Wetzel | Mike Perry | Todd Olson | Kym Rouse-Campbell Dean Dobberfuhl David Evans Jim Griffin Lawrence Keenan Sean McGlynn Shailesh Patel Jennifer Sagan Julie Terrell John Walkinshaw Sherry Brandt |
2010 | Shannon Carter Wetzel | Dean Dobberfuhl | Mike Perry | Todd Olson | Kym Rouse-Campbell David Evans Jim Griffin Lawrence Keenan Kelli Levy Sean McGlynn Ron Novy Jennifer Sagan Julie Terrell John Walkinshaw Sherry Brandt |
2011 | Dean Dobberfuhl | Sherry Brandt | Mike Perry | John Walkinshaw | Dana Bigham Kym Rouse Campbell David Evans Jim Griffin Jeff Holland Lawrence Keenan Lance Lumbard Ron Novy Jennifer Sagan Shannon Carter Wetzel |
2012 | Sherry Brandt | Jennifer Sagan | Mike Perry | John Walkinshaw | Dean Dobberfuhl Kym Campbell Lawrence Keenan Dana Bigham Jeff Holland Lance Lumbard Todd Olson Sergio Duarte Sherry Burroughs Danielle Marshall |
2013 | Jennifer Sagan | Lawrence Keenan | Mike Perry | Sergio Duarte | Sherry Brandt Dana Bigham Jeff Holland Lance Lumbard Danielle Marshall Todd Olson Jim Griffin John Walkinshaw Sam Arden Brian Catanzaro |
2014 | Lawrence Keenan | John Walkinshaw | Lance Lumbard | Ron Hart | Dana Bigham Jeff Holland Danielle Marshall Sergio Duarfte Todd Olson Jim Griffin Sam Arden Brian Catanzaro |
2015 | John Walkinshaw | Ron Hart | Lance Lumbard | Sam Arden | Sergio Duarte Jim Griffin Todd Olson Rick Baird Patrick Goodwin Marissa Williams Shannon Wetzel April Verpoorten |
2016 | Ron Hart | Sergio Duarte | Lance Lumbard | Shannon Wetzel | Rob Burnes Niles Cyzycki Gloria Eby Patrick Goodwin April Verpoorten Marissa Williams Stephen Montgomery Ernesto Lasso de la Vega |
2017 | Sergio Duarte | Rob Burnes | Lance Lumbard | Shannon Wetzel | Niles Cyzycki Gloria Eby Robbin Huffines Ernesto Lasso de la Vega Stephen Montgomery Dan Schmutz Jeff Smith Serge Thomas April Verpoorten Marissa Williams |
2018 | Rob Burnes | Robbin Huffines | Lance Lumbard | Shannon Wetzel | Eesa Ali Gloria Eby Ernesto Lasso de la Vega Stephen Montgomery Rory Roten Dan Schmutz Jeff Smith Serge Thomas April Verpoorten Marissa Williams |
2019 | Robbin Huffines | Serge Thomas | Lance Lumbard | Shannon Wetzel | Eesa Ali Gloria Eby Tim Egan Patrick Goodwin Ernesto Lasso de la Vega Stephen Montgomery Rory Roten Dan Schmutz Dana Stephens Serge Thomas Tiffany Trent |
2020 | Serge Thomas | Gloria Eby | Lance Lumbard | Rob Burnes | Eesa Ali Tim Egan Patrick Goodwin Sean McGlynn Rory Roten Dan Schmutz Dan Stephens Tiffany Trent Marissa Williams |
Venues of the Florida Lake Management Society’s Annual Conferences
1988 | Lakeland – Organizational Meeting with LEAD |
1989 | |
1990 | Oviedo – Canterbury Episcopal Camp |
1991 | Winter Park – Rollins College |
1992 | |
1993 | DeLand |
1994 | Orlando |
1995 | |
1996 | Ocala – Hilton at I-75/SR200 |
1997 | West Palm Beach |
1998 | Orlando |
1999 | Safety Harbor |
2000 | Islamorada/Duck Key – Hawks Cay |
2001 | Tallahassee |
2002 | Naples – Naples Beach Hotel and Golf Club |
2003 | Kissimmee |
2004 | Tampa – Saddlebrook |
2005 | Islamorada/Duck Key – Hawks Cay |
2006 | St. Augustine – Casa Monica |
2007 | Naples – Naples Grande |
2008 | SanDestin |
2009 | Key Largo – Key Largo Grande |
2010 | Crystal River – Plantation Inn |
2011 | St. Augustine – The Renaissance at World Golf Village |
2012 | Gainesville – Paramount Plaza |
2013 | Daytona Beach – The Shores |
2014 | Stuart – Marriott Hutchinson Island |
2015 | Naples – Naples Beach Hotel and Golf Club |
2016 | Daytona Beach – The Shores |
2017 | Captiva – South Seas Island Resort |
2018 | Fort Lauderdale – Westin Ft. Lauderdale Beach Resort |
2019 | Duck Key – Hawks Cay Resort |
2020 | Virtual |
2021 | Duck Key – Hawks Cay Resort |
2022 | Bonita Springs – Hyatt Regency Coconut Point |
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