Impaired Waters Rule: Statewide Assessment Notification
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Watershed Assessment Section will hold public meetings to present updates on the implementation of a streamlined approach to assessing water quality statewide on a biennial (two-year) assessment cycle. There will be two viewing opportunities on Feb. 25 and March 4, 2021. These meetings will provide stakeholders with an overview of the statewide biennial assessment process, schedule for publishing draft basin assessments lists and supporting documentation for the development of impaired waters lists. Draft basin assessment lists will not be presented at these meetings.
Under the previous process, the department operates on a five-year cycle, assessing roughly 20% of the state’s waters each year. The new biennial assessment approach will provide Floridians with a more up-to-date picture of Florida’s overall water quality conditions. Stakeholders across the state will have current, actionable information that will promote more effective and timely water quality restoration.
The department will hold subsequent public workshops during summer 2021 to present and receive feedback on the draft statewide assessments. The final basin assessments developed through the biennial assessment will be submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to Section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act and shall serve to update the previously approved Section 303(d) list of Florida waters. Additional information on the biennial assessment, including a process document and frequently asked questions is available.
Please note, the first meeting will be held using GoToWebinar and registration is required. Registration is not required for the second meeting, which will be held using Microsoft Teams.
Date: Feb. 25, 2021
Time: 2 p.m. EST
Registration and Meeting Materials
Date: March 4, 2021
Time: 2 p.m. EST
Join the meeting online
Or call in (audio only): 1-850-629-7330
Phone Conference ID: 144 040 143#
Please contact Kevin O’Donnell for additional information on the development of the statewide biennial assessment, IWR Run database or on the watershed management approach.Thank you for your continued interest and support in the department’s assessment and restoration program.