Florida Aquatic Plant Mgmt Panel
The Florida Lake Management Society
invites you to join fellow lake managers for a panel discussion.
The Current State of Aquatic Plant Management in Florida
Friday, March 12, 2021
10am – noon
Cost: FREE!!!
FLMS knows managing our lakes is a complex process. Balancing budget funds with environmental needs and citizen expectations can be challenging. You need every tool in the tool box! That’s why we’ve put together a panel of experts from around the state to discuss the current aquatic plant issues facing lake managers.
The webinar will start at 10am with panelists discussing various topics which may include:
- What happens to an herbicide after it enters the environment?
- Do repeated herbicide applications gradually select for and promote the growth of blue green algae?
- Do herbicides build up in lake sediments after years of application?
- Glyphosate: What BMPs and PPEs can be used by applicators to minimize exposure to themselves, wildlife and the public?
- Importance on rotation of herbicides, and other BMPs to reduce the potential for herbicide resistance in target species.
Other topics as sent in advance or via the Q & A option from attendees.
Register at https://flms.net/special-session-registration/
This webinar will be recorded and available to view on demand for a period of time.